Friday, July 29, 2016

MLK's Three-Fold Work of Social Change

When I think of MLK's project I break it down into three parts (I know it's not this neat in the historical narrative, but still helpful as far as distinctions go).

1. Prophetic Action.  This is the work of non-violent protest and direct action by which the injustice at hand was brought before the broad public consciousness. Naming truths and unmasking powers is essential.  I believe that the most radical prophetic actions in the years to come will be concrete acts of love: feed the hungry, house the homeless, welcome the stranger, befriend the powerless. Acts of love build trust, become the roots of beloved community, and make denying the humanity of others impossible.

2. Advocacy, Alliances, and Enactment of Power: This was the work of seeking out advocates, alliances and the building of constituencies for the work of precise legislative change.  This is the work of protecting the vulnerable, releasing the oppressed through the mechanics of law and social power. In the US nothing is more valuable here than the power of organized voting.

3. Radical Love - (Nonviolent love for one's enemies): This is the building of the Beloved Community in which each of us belongs to the other, where the first will be last and the last first. In the Beloved Community racial conciliation is possible.

In MLK's understanding each of these parts of social change required a deep commitment to radical love of one's enemies in submission to the divine will that we love one another with the same love that Jesus demonstrated in his life.

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