Monday, March 21, 2016

"Not Victorious"

"Who are the children of the future? I should like to answer: the people who renounce domination and the dreams of rule, people who are not victorious and do not dream of victories, but who open themselves and their institutions in creative receptivity towards what is divine, towards what is human, and towards what is natural. These people are the heirs of his future." - Juergen Moltmann

I find this quote to be entirely suited as a corrective to this moment in American history.  But I suggest it only because I've found that it speaks powerfully to my own personal experience.  I've been following a hunch that post WWII German theologians would have a lot to offer for some time now as I find the view of people who are humbled is often different from that of those who are triumphant. And by different I mean more reality based, more prone to the virtue of compassion and the utility of listening and silence.

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