Saturday, December 24, 2016

Nativity - The Birth of Peace as Darkness Descends

Over the past year I have returned to the movie 'Of Gods and Men' in my meditations with some regularity. The movie recounts the true story of a group of French monks who were assassinated by Jihadists in Algeria in 1996. As our world edges ever closer to a war of ideologies - apocalyptic and nihilistic Christianism v. apocalyptic and nihilistic Islamism -  I return to the lives of these remarkable, humane, humble men who lived, not perfectly, but sincerely, in the Spirit and way of Jesus as neighbors and friends of Islam. We do not have to be at war. We can determine to live in the Shalom our Creator desires. In this spirit I want to share the farewell letter that their prior, Frere Christian, wrote just before the inevitable eventuality of his martyrdom.

"Should it ever befall me, and it could happen today, to be a victim of the terrorism swallowing up all foreigners here, I would like my community, my church, my family, to remember that my life was given to God and to this country. That the Unique Master of all life was no stranger to this brutal departure. And that my death is the same as so many other violent ones, consigned to the apathy of oblivion. I’ve lived enough to know, I am complicit in the evil that, alas, prevails over the world and the evil that will smite me blindly.
I could never desire such a death. I could never feel gladdened that these people I love be accused randomly of my murder. I know the contempt felt for the people here, indiscriminately. And I know how Islam is distorted by a certain Islamism.
This country, and Islam, for me are something different. They’re a body and a soul.
My death, of course, will quickly vindicate those who call me naïve or idealistic, but they must know that I will be freed of a burning curiosity and, God willing, will immerse my gaze in the Father’s and contemplate with him his children of Islam as he sees them. This thank you which encompasses my entire life includes you, of course, friends of yesterday and today, and you too, friend of last minute, who knew not what you were doing. Yes, to you as well I address this thank you and this farewell which you envisaged. May we meet again, happy thieves in Paradise, if it pleases God the Father of us both. Amen. Insha’Allah."
These words from Frere Christian are a living Spirit-endowed word. My prayer is that this word will fall heavily on my heart today, and that it might fall heavily on the hearts of people of all faiths or of no faith throughout the world. As we struggle in this historical moment of darkness descending may we resist the call to arms, the howls of the dogs of war. Instead may the Prince of Peace reign in our hearts and minds. 

William Congdon - Nativita 1960

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