Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Is Trump the Whale, or Is He the Bait?

Hypothesis: Trump isn't the white whale that Mueller is bringing down. Trump is the bait. The white whale is transnational organized crime (TOC). Semion Mogilevich. That's the name to remember. Dutch and UK press have been covering this story for years. For whatever reason we're still largely unaware of what's happening here in the states. So let's begin at the start of where we should have been paying attention... 2011 President Barack Obama declares transnational organized crime officially to be a "National Emergency." Executive orders direct a series of high level actions to counteract the threat. The threat is enumerated as follows: - Transnational Organized Crime (TOC) is infiltrating nation states globally and the US in particular in every key institution: political, business, government, judicial, press etc. - The key syndicates are based in Russia, Mexico, Italy and Japan. The reach is international and the danger is that TOC is coordinated at levels of sophistication and cooperation unseen before. - Russia is the key, though, as its government isn't merely compromised by TOC, it actually is, in fact, a crime syndicate. Semion Mogilevich is the boss. A group of oligarchs including Putin fill out the ranks. Putin is the puppet dictator of the TOC syndicate in Russia. - Russia's TOC/Oligarchic/Puppet model of governance is to become the template internationally. Again, this was all laid out by the Obama administration as a National Emergency back in 2011. And it is vital to understand that Robert Mueller was tagged to bring down TOC from the start. 2011, if you'll recall, is when Robert Mueller gave his famous "Iron Triangle" speech laying the foundation for going after Semion Mogilevich and the criminal enterprise he's built (including, we now know, Trump associates Felix Sater and Paul Manafort). The threat is urgent b/c Putin/Semion have perfected a means of manipulating nationalism, religious ideology (male patriarchy and homophobia the two points hit hardest world-wide and becomes the link for people like VP Pence and Franklin Graham to become pro-Putin), ethnocentrism, fear of immigration and economic degradation as fulcrums of power. Turkey falls spectacularly and Erdogan patterns his rule after Putin. TOC invests heavily in reinvigorating Narco-states in Central America. Death squads in Honduras, Guatemala, etc. send waves of refugees north to the US seeking asylum. Mexican cartels get into the human trafficking racket. The US is roiled in anti-immigration fervor that Trump masterfully manipulates and RU created propaganda hammers. Meanwhile, Russia, along with multiple narco cartels, human trafficking cartels and the newly aggressive Saudi Arabia weaponize refugees by taking advantage of destabilized Syria, Yemen, and swaths of North Africa. Waves of immigrants are driven to Europe. (I wrote about Putin's weaponization of Syrian immigrants back in the fall of 2016 in case you were wondering). Immigration fallout in Europe is coordinated with RU money and propaganda. Marie LePen hammers anti-immigration fervor in France, Geert Wilders in Netherlands, Italy falls into chaos and is driving towards exit from EU, Poland goes full fascist, Austria elects an openly Nazi government, England is masterfully manipulated by RU into Brexit. September of 2016 Hillary Clinton declares Trump to be "Putin's puppet." America's mainstream press mocks Hillary. Rogue elements of the FBI, coordinate with Trump lieutenant Rudy Giuliani and bad actors in the NYT to hit Hillary with false investigation charges a week before the election. "Lock her up!" comes home to roost. FBI Director James Comey panics and craps the bed. Election hijacked by RU/GOP and we enter a nightmare. Trump's mission is to destroy rule of law in the US and internationally. The purpose is building a global system friendly to TOC styled oligarchy in the US and internationally. Trump's racism, nationalism, and embrace of religious ideology are fulcrums to power. However, white supremacist true believers such as Stephen Miller and Steve Bannon are essential to power. 'Build The Wall' is the golden calf that makes it all work. The trophies that Semion and Putin want in exchange for Trump's Capo status as puppet of America are... - Destabilizing and fracturing NATO (check) - Delegitimizing structures and institutions for international human rights (check) - Destroying international trade agreements with their meticulous regard for regulations (check) - Destabilizing delegitimizing the EU (check) - Realigning US international interests away from liberal democracies and towards international dictatorships (check) - Bringing corruption into every facet of federal governance. (Wilbur Ross, Scott Pruitt etc. etc.) (check) - Turning the press into the "Enemies of the People" (in process) - Building a corruption friendly judicial system (in process) - Delegitimizing US elections process and/or hijacking elections altogether (check/in process) - Halt efforts to restrain, regulate, and unwind nuclear weapons as military options. Begin working together with Russia to harness the threat of nuclear weapons as a fulcrum of power. (in process) - Halt efforts to end organized crime through structures such as Magnitsky Act. (in process) - Delegitimize and/or destroy structures for anti-corruption law enforcement such as the FBI, CIA etc. (this is the war we're watching in real time as Mueller stands in the gap) (in process) In order to achieve the above for Semion's OIC international order and as a feature of Trump's own warped fetish for genetic purity there's the ethnic cleansing and religious purification of America. To wit: - Give authoritarian powers to racist law enforcement branches such as ICE. Build key structures of privatized militia unrestrained by law (in process) - Treat asylum seekers and would-be immigrants as beings who have zero protection of law ("No rights that a white man is bound to respect" to put it in the language of Dred Scott and the US supreme court of 1854). (check) - Move to bring legal immigrants under same status as having 'no-rights' as asylum seekers. (in process) - End birth-citizenship and make ideology/ethnicity the basis of citizenship in the US (in process) - Strip as many minority citizens of the right to vote as possible (check) - Build a seamless identity between ethnic identity, religious identity, political party, and authoritarian leader. This is the building of politics as "a people" completely under the sway of authoritarian leadership. Real Americans are MAGA Trumpists. (check) - Foment easily winnable battles between Trumpists and targeted scapegoated minorities. ("First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out because I was not a socialist...Then they came for me, and there was no one left to speak for me.") (in process) So here's the deal. We're up against a highly coordinated TOC syndicate that is the brainchild of Russian mob boss Semion Mogilevich. This syndicate has multiple nation-states already under its sway and now owns the better part of the executive branch of the US. A key feature of this syndicate's success is that it is capable of drawing on decades worth of research and development on propaganda, governmental destabilization, installing puppets, fomenting national instability and civil wars from one of the world's most sophisticated intelligence branches (the KGB). They are capable of coordinating with the RU govt's current security and espionage apparatus (the GRU) as the GRU is essentially an arm of the Russian mob.
It hurts me to say it, but the Obama admin, the FBI and CIA were caught off guard in the 2016 election by just how thoroughly the GOP and various conservative institutions had already been compromised by organized international crime and Russian intelligence. The good news is that the US intelligence community had a good five-years or more run up in preparation for the crisis we now face. When Mueller went to work in May of 2017 he already had all the tools in place. The Obama administration secured every document. Plans were made and are being executed. By all appearances Mueller's investigation has been nothing short of brilliant. Mueller has Trump all but caged. Having said that, we are still in a heap of trouble b/c Trump isn't the big fish. In my own mind the biggest issue facing America now isn't Trump, it's this: the building of a seamless identity between ethnic identity, religious identity, political party, and authoritarian leader. The spiritual realities of corruption, ignorance and hatred always exist. They never go away. One of the basic element of a peaceable, civil society is that these three dark spiritual realities are isolated and forced to live outside of the structures and institutions of society. What we have now in Trumpism isn't actually something new in America. It's a rebirth of Dred Scott America of 1854. It's a rebirth of the "Birth of a Nation" America of 1915. It's a rebirth of the "Trail of Tears," Andrew Jackson and Martin Van Buren from the 1820's and 1830's. In the twisted minds of Trump and his supporters this really is MAGA. The danger we face is that the darkest shadows of evil that have always haunted America: the unholy trinity of genocidal hate-centric Christianity, celebration of ignorance, cultivation of greed and corruption, have once again seamlessly merged to become a single identity that claims to be the 'real' America. The good news is that Trump is a moron. His cruelty, shrewd dishonesty, and lack of restraint are weapons that caught us off guard after living under the shelter of Obama's decency. I think a lot of us became afraid and quite literally too sick to fight. But Trump's weapons are steadily losing their power as most Americans refuse to be afraid any more and are starting to get righteously pissed off. And this presents us with a unique opportunity. Imagine if Trump weren't just shrewd, cruel and unrestrained but was sharp, controlled, able to modulate his emotions and acts of cruelty or at least to pretend to. Imagine if Trump didn't have dozens of criminal ties and recorded criminal acts. Imagine if Trump actually knew how to use the immense power of the office instead of just blundering around from one crisis to the next as if crapping the bed and smearing feces were actual strategies. The thing with Trump is he is so thoroughly despicable that he can be vilified and tied to each branch of the unholy trinity that so haunts America. If we fight wisely and well we can come to a place where for a couple of generations or more we'll be able to use Trump as a cautionary tail against the dangers of scapegoating, racism, unrestrained and unregulated corruption, ignorance, lying, propaganda, and toxic and authoritarian religion. For generations we'll remember just how important our institutions and values are to a civil and peaceable society. We'll remember to cherish and protect a free press. Uphold the rights of each citizen to vote. Value the rights of human beings and stop treating corporations as deities. Cherish truth, honesty and integrity. Resist the temptations of scapegoating. Remember that differences, when coupled with patient understanding, make us stronger, wiser and more compassionate.

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