Tuesday, June 19, 2018

The Era of Human Rights Is Ending

Why did the US leave the UN Human Rights Council? Trump has been openly telegraphing this move and the reasoning behind it for years.

The end goal of Trumpism is to end the era of human rights and international treaties/agreements. I've been harping on this for two years now because that is literally what Trump has been saying over and over again and I always take people at their word. Well, here we are. There are no non-malicious reasons to end human rights agreements. It is purely a pre-text for the rest of Trump's campaign promises: 1) To reintroduce torture 2) To strip other nations of their natural resources through military means 3) To terrorize other nations for economic gain wherever it suits our economic purposes 4) To rebalance global power away from global cooperation and into the hands of strong dictators 5) To make nuclear weapons an active threat as a part of our regular means of business 6) To reassert white male dominance and 7) To enforce mono-culturalism at a national level and to ensure mono-culturalism globally.

We are in the deepest global crisis since the late 1930's. It is time to wake up!

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