Saturday, November 12, 2016

Planning Our Solidarity

Do you remember Trump's campaign pledge to create a registry, a watchlist for all people of Muslim faith in the United States.  This was a separate promise than the one to keep all Muslims from entering America.  Do you remember how conservative activist Charles Koch called Trump's Muslim registry plan 'reminiscent of Nazi Germany'?  Sure you do.  Well, the plan to create this registry is still underway. Apparently, the details are forthcoming.  

Here's what I am preparing to do and hope millions of other Americans will join me in doing: I am planning on volunteering to be listed on the registry.  It is not an article of faith to join a registry. Such a registry is utterly based on the lie of discrimination and hatred towards a specific religious faith.  In no way would volunteering for such a registry diminish or demean the Muslim faith or be a lie about my own faith as a Christian. Indeed, standing in solidarity with those who suffer is an essential component of all true religion.

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