Tuesday, November 15, 2016

President Obama's Subtext - Post election reaction 4

Among President Obama's strengths has been his capacity to get to the reality of a matter in a way that is forthright and lacking drama.  His press conference yesterday is a prime example.  He's in a position where for the good of the country and the world he must remain calm, ensure a peaceable transition of power and ensure that the key institutions of the nation have a chance of surviving a Trump presidency.  If he's wise (and thank God that he is) it's essential that he refrain from lashing out or blasting Trump, a man who spent the better part of the last 8 years spreading vicious and racist lies about Obama's very legitimacy as President.  However, Obama did make some key points on Monday and Brian Beutler of the New Republic lays them out well. 

Key graphs: 

The question many of us are waiting to see answered with baited, nauseated breathe is: will the rules and norms and laws survive Trumpism, let alone reign it in?  History has shown that a metric shit-ton of hell can break loose before justice bends the world back towards shalom.

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