Thursday, November 10, 2016

Some Preliminary Thoughts on the Lie of Racism

The essential lie of racism isn't the proposition that there are races that are superior than others.  The essential lie of racism is the very existence of race in and of itself. The fundamental truth is the inherent dignity and equality of all human beings who carry the spark of the divine - we truly do all belong each to one another. We are not separated into races by evolution or by our Creator, but by the lie that we ourselves have created out of fear, greed, sloth, will to power, and hatred.

The trouble with racism in America is that we have constructed every aspect of society based on the lie of race. Our Declaration of Independence is racist, our Constitution is racist, our religious experience is racist, our highway system is racist. Education? Yep. Location of grocery stores? Yep. Home ownership,  justice system? Yep. Every aspect of life as an American is racist. The lie of racism is embedded in our collective DNA. And so while the root of racism is in fact a lie, a shadow, a non-existence; the substance of our collective reality is built on this lie. And so it is that while racism is something that in truth has no substance, in our lived experience it is a suffocating killer that wields a relentless power to oppress and destroy.

The instinct to say, "I don't see race, therefore I'm not racist" is a moral and spiritual shortcut. Despite anyone's good intentions the instinctual dodge to think of oneself as above the question, as a 'good person', is delusional.

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