Wednesday, December 14, 2016

God of Chaos Part 3 - Some further explication

Since my post, "The God of Chaos Unleashed",  I have begun to receive a fair amount of interest in explaining in more depth how I view what is unfolding.  Below is a summary of one conversation in particular. 

Hey Dan, can you translate in simple language for those of us in the dark about what is actually happening in the Iraq conflict and about the Eurasianist movement. I am guilty of not taking the time to really understand what is going on or what I can do about it.

So Syria is in a chaotic civil war with multiple factions. The US and the world at large has largely decided it was too costly too intervene. In the vacuum, Putin and Assad (leader of Syria) have smashed the opposition and are now (at this moment) finishing off the opposition in the city of Aleppo wholesale sans merci.

There is a philosphical/theological movement that has been developing for some time but was adopted by Putin over the course of the past 6-8 years or so (students of Russia can help me here) known as Euroasianism. This movement is Christian in the broadest sense, but I like to call it Christianism b/c it is linked to a drive to return each race/ethnography (I hate to use the word race because it is a lie) to its own natural geographic space, each using it's native form of governance and form of worship that grows naturally of its own heritage.

In this theology/philosophy for Russia the goal is to regain the empire of Eurasian lands ruled by it's rightful supreme race, the Russians. While the natural religion of the Russian is 'Christian' in the broadest sense (in a similar way the KKK is American Christian theology) the current state of this Russio quasi-Christian religion is that it must destroy the life and world that has developed in the West (broadly speaking, liberalism) in which race, culture and religious heritage were subordinate to ideas - also known as 'Logos'. Hence, America has no legitimate culture, heritage or religion unless and until it is 'Made Great Again' - which is to say returned to it's ethno puritan roots (broadly speaking). By claiming that all humanity hold 'inalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness' we deny the dignity of the true human races who are not ruled by ideas, or logos, but by the achievement of victory and so forth.

Trump's bargain with Putin is that Russia should rule Eurasia just as America, once 'Made Great Again' should rule the West. We each have a natural manifest destiny. It is not clear to me what would happen to Western Europe, but presumably each ethnicity would have the right to allow its natural governance and religion return, whether paganism in Northern Europe or various types of Christianism etc. It is worth noting that the Breivik Manifesto (at nearly 1500 pages) lays out a pagan/Christian path for the Nordic countries known as Odinism and that Geert Wilders of the Netherlands, using the substance of that manifesto sets out a path for the Netherlands, etc.

Because the world has been so dominated by Western liberalism - the logos - the only method to building a world habitable by true humanity is to destroy liberalism and reason/logos once for all. Because Liberalism has tied its fate to the idea of multicultural pluralism it is inherently weak and ready to be toppled. The method for destroying it is to fully embrace the spirituality of 'chaos' in opposition to the spirituality of 'logos'.

Now lets tie this back to Syria. Syria belongs to the Asia part of the globe that should be dominated by Russia - whether as a client state or directly. Islam is viewed as an inferior religion with inferior culture/governance/history etc. and so should be cleansed by chaos thus returning Syria to its natural state.

Dan thanks for the info! I'd heard of this rise of Eurasianism but hadn't been able to wrap my brain around the essence of it. Thanks for the summary and links. Very scary stuff. It does help to put some of the pieces in place to help explain parts of the bigger picture. Now what to do about it??

 I find MLK's grid really useful. Spend some time in quiet discernment in your life over what kind of things you could positively take part in and get started. The more it's an act that comes in the context of friendship or community the better. The most radical prophetic actions in the years to come will be concrete acts of love: feed the hungry, house the homeless, welcome the stranger, befriend the powerless. Acts of love build trust, become the roots of beloved community, and make denying the humanity of others impossible.

MLK's Threefold Work of Social Change

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