Thursday, December 15, 2016

Loving Our Neighbor Means Protecting Their Vote

Voting rights are the beating heart of protecting the vulnerable, enfranchising the powerless and restraining the powerful from trampling the poor. When we participate in the partisan political game of hoarding this blessing of a basic human right we are guilty of hating our neighbor. This is why MLK and so many other great Christians were willing to die to enfranchise the vote to the powerless during the Civil Rights movement of the late 50's and 60's. I cannot fully describe with words just how angry and saddened I am to watch so many Christians get caught up in partisanship on this basic principle of human rights to the detriment of justice and love of neighbor.

I am mindful of the words of Ezekiel...
I lament that these words speak so piercingly to our time and to the state of Christianity in America. For those of you who are interested in fighting for voting rights here is a current campaign under way to protect and enfranchise the votes of all Americans. There may be other campaigns worth joining, do your research. The key is to work collaboratively at a local level. Build friendships and community while you stand in the gap and repair the breach.

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