Tuesday, December 13, 2016

The Mad Genius of Refusing to Share in Reality

I keep wondering why Trump repeatedly fully denies the CIA intelligence when he is confronted by it.  And beyond that, why he refuses to stay briefed by US intelligence at all.  

Then I realized the sheer brilliance, the mad genius of it.  Trump is refusing to give any legitimacy to 'our' reality, the reality we all up to now assumed to be true, at all.  It's his basic operating principle.  Instead, he inserts his own 'truth' and if we are to be governed by him we must begin to operate by his rules, his reality.  He is not beholden or restrained by 'our' reality at all.  He moves only by his reality.  

If Trump doesn't 'know' or 'believe to be true' the reports the CIA gives him regarding Russian hacking, he will not 'know' or 'believe to be true' any report that doesn't help him or fit his reality grid. What's more he can always just say, "I'm not taking that intelligence briefing. I have my own intelligence."  It's absolutely amazingly simple.  What are we going to do about it? What can be done about it? There is no law that will stop him.  We are simply at his mercy unless we refuse to cooperate. That's it. That's all there is to it.

Update (12/17/16): I just came across this quote from John Fowles' novel The Magus that explains the dynamic I am getting at quite well.  

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