Tuesday, January 24, 2017

To Stand in the Gap

I am convinced that if there is a God (and I am so convinced) that God's concern is much more about our love-ethic than it is about our conviction regarding God's existence or non-existence.

I am convinced if there is a God that God's concern is much more about our care of God's creation than of any religiosity that profanes or neglects creation in the name of 'dominion.'

Bad religion, idolatry, is consistently described by the prophets as against the care of the earth; against care of the sojourner, foreigner and immigrant; against solidarity with the disinherited, the poor, and particularly women and children when they are powerless. Most of all bad religion and idolatry stand for scapegoating which none other than Jesus took upon himself the calling to unmask in his lynching.

Today's America is under the assault of unchecked bad religion and idolatry that has masked itself in the name of Christianity. When the prophets call us to "stand in the gap" the gap they meant was to care for creation, for the poor and powerless neglected by religion and the officials of the land. 
In this situation the prophets are calling all people of faith "to stand in the gap" so that justice may roll down like a mighty river of life for the disinherited.

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