Thursday, January 12, 2017

Living in the Borderland of Love and Rage

If you are not living on the edge of seething rage it is because you have not begun to live with love and solidarity with the disinherited. This rage is located right on the edge of a deep love that is able to endure indignity and to respond with a broken heart not only to those who are marginalized, broken, disinherited and oppressed; but also for those who orchestrate oppression.
This is what Jesus meant when he taught us to love our enemies. He taught with the following in mind: That when we live in solidarity and love for the disinherited we *will* have enemies, in fact, we must have enemies. If we don't have enemies we aren't doing it right. Keep in mind, Jesus was teaching when he overturned the tables in the temple. Jesus was teaching when he called the religious leaders of his society hypocrites, snakes, and children of Satan. Jesus was showing us how to live in the borderland between rage and love in solidarity with the disinherited. Jesus taught us that the Beloved Community can be birthed in a world of evil only through fierce conflict that is empowered by love.
So. It's time to get our rage on. It's time to get our love on. Keep building #Solidarity.

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