Monday, January 9, 2017

'Drain the Swamp' - It Isn't What You Think

It is essential that we dispel the confusion over the term 'Drain the Swamp.' How can Trump insist that he is 'draining the swamp' while putting the likes of his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, in a position of special power and so forth? Most people have yet to understand what is meant by 'the swamp' and in our confusion we allow our resistance to Trump to be uninformed. "Hey Trump, you can't have business interests while President and drain the swamp!" All the while Trump's formation of an anti-rule of law, anti-ethical governance is precisely what is meant by 'draining the swamp.'
It turns out when Trumpists use the term 'the swamp' it means anything resembling a society governed by rule of law and individual human rights. Below are a couple of quotes from an essay entitled, "Swamp and Fire" by Alexander Dugin. I will not post the link, but if you ask me I will share it. But here is the key and why it hits close to home for myself and most of the people I know: for all of us who believe in individual human rights, women's rights, LGBTQ rights, anti-racism, anti-fascism, and/or multiculturalism the closing sentence is especially for us, "So all we need now is the Fire." In other words, we are the swamp and we are to be purged in the cleansing fire. This is precisely what it means to 'Make America Great Again' in the Trumpist/Putinist world.

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